Does Hair Colour Remover Damage Hair


When changing their hair colour, many people opt for using hair colour remover instead of bleach or other chemical-based methods. Hair colour removers work by shrinking the dye molecules in your hair, allowing them to be rinsed out. While they are considered a gentler alternative, one question always arises: whether or not hair colour remover damages hair.

In this article, we will explore the effects of hair colour remover on your locks and discuss whether or not it is a safe and effective method for removing unwanted hair colour. We will also provide tips on minimizing any potential damage and maintaining healthy hair throughout the process.

What is Hair Colour Remover?

Hair colour remover, or hair colour stripper, is a chemical agent that removes artificial hair dye from your locks. It works by breaking down the dye molecules and shrinking their size, making it easier for them to be washed out of your hair.

Most hair colour removers contain ingredients such as sulphates or ammonium chloride, which help open the hair cuticle and allow the dye molecules to escape. Some removers contain reducing agents, such as sodium hydrosulphite, which help break down the dye molecules.

Unlike bleach or other chemical methods, hair colour remover does not strip your hair of its natural pigment. Instead, it only removes artificial dyes, leaving your natural hair colour intact.

Does Hair Colour Remover Damage Hair?

The short answer is no; hair colour remover does not damage your hair. Unlike bleach or other chemical methods, hair colour remover only affects the artificial dye molecules in your locks and does not cause any structural damage to your hair.

However, there are some potential side effects that you may experience when using a hair colour remover. These include dryness, frizziness, and breakage, especially if your hair was previously damaged or over-processed.

To minimize any potential damage, following the instructions carefully and not leaving the remover on for longer than recommended is essential. It is also crucial to deep condition your hair after using a hair colour remover to replenish moisture and nourish your locks.

Maintaining Healthy Hair Throughout the Process

You can do a few things to ensure your hair stays healthy and damage-free, such as using a hair colour remover.

Firstly, using a colour-safe shampoo and conditioner before and after using the remover is recommended. This will help keep your hair nourished and prevent further damage.

Secondly, it is essential to deep condition your hair regularly, especially after using a hair colour remover. This will help restore moisture and repair any damage that may have occurred.

Also, avoiding heat styling tools and harsh chemical treatments during the process can help maintain healthy hair. Opt for air-drying your locks or using heat-protectant products if you must use heat styling.

Finally, maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated can also contribute to the overall health of your hair. Following these tips, you can ensure your hair remains damage-free while using a hair colour remover. And remember, if you are unsure or have any concerns about using a hair colour remover, it is always best to consult a professional hairstylist for personalized advice and guidance.

Are there any Alternative Methods for Removing Hair Colour?

If you are looking for alternative methods to remove hair colour, a few options are available. These include using bleach, a stronger and more damaging option that can effectively strip the artificial dye from your hair.

Another alternative is to visit a professional hairstylist and have them use a colour-correction service to remove unwanted hair colour. This is a more expensive option but can ensure that the process is done correctly and without causing damage to your hair.

Alternatively, you can also try natural methods such as lemon juice, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar to help lighten your hair colour gradually. However, these methods may take longer and be less effective on darker hair shades.

Plus, it is essential to keep in mind that any form of hair colour removal can cause some degree of damage to your locks. Therefore, taking proper care and precautions before and after the process is crucial to minimize any potential damage.

Can Hair Colour Remover be Used on all Hair Types?

Hair colour remover can be used on most hair types, including colour-treated and natural hair. However, it is essential to do a patch test before using the product to check for any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities.

It is also important to note that hair colour remover may not work as effectively on certain hair types, such as dark or stubborn dyes. In these cases, visiting a professional hairstylist for colour-correction services may be best.

Additionally, if you have recently had any chemical treatments done on your hair, such as perms or relaxers, it is crucial to wait at least two weeks before using a hair colour remover. This will allow your hair to recover and minimize any potential damage.

And lastly, always make sure to read and follow the instructions carefully when using a hair colour remover. This will ensure you achieve the best results while keeping your hair healthy and damage-free. 

Should I use Hair Colour Remover at Home or Visit a Professional?

Deciding between using a hair colour remover at home or visiting a professional can take time and effort. Using it at home may seem more convenient and cost-effective, but some factors should be considered.

Using a hair colour remover at home requires following the instructions carefully and having the knowledge and experience to handle the product properly. If not used correctly, it can lead to damaging results and potentially harm your hair.

On the other hand, visiting a professional hairstylist for colour-correction services ensures the process is done correctly and with minimal damage to your locks. It also allows for personalized advice and guidance from an experienced stylist who can recommend the best action for your hair type and colour.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you and what you feel most comfortable with. If you have any doubts or concerns about using a hair colour remover at home, visiting a professional hairstylist for optimal results and hair health may be best.

How much time should I wait before using Hair Colour Remover again?

It is recommended to wait at least two weeks before using a hair colour remover again. This will allow your hair time to recover and minimize any potential damage from the previous use.

In some cases, it may be best to wait even longer, especially if your hair was previously damaged or if you have used multiple hair colour removers in a short period. Giving your locks enough time to rest and recover is crucial for maintaining healthy hair.

Additionally, following the instructions on your specific product is important, as some may recommend longer waiting periods between uses.

Suppose you need to use a hair colour remover again sooner than the recommended time frame. In that case, it may be best to consult a professional hairstylist for personalized advice and guidance. They can assess the condition of your hair and determine if it is safe to use a hair colour remover again or recommend alternative methods.

Remember, patience is key when using any hair colour remover, and rushing the process can damage your locks. Always prioritize the health of your hair.


Can using a hair Colour remover damage the natural hair color or hair shaft?

Hair Colour removers are designed to remove artificial colour pigments without affecting the natural colour pigment of your hair. However, the process can sometimes leave the hair shaft slightly more porous than before, which doesn't damage your natural hair Colour but may necessitate extra care, like deep conditioning, to maintain hair health.

How does hair Colour remover work on permanent hair colour without causing damage?

Hair colour remover work by shrinking the artificial Colour molecules in the hair, allowing them to be washed out. Since it targets only the artificial pigments used in permanent hair colours, it does not typically damage the natural structure of the hair shaft or alter your natural hair color. To minimize any potential risk, follow the product instructions carefully and consider applying a nourishing hair mask post-treatment.

Will my hair turn orange or yellow after using a Colour remover on bleached hair?

If your natural hair Colour was lightened or if you applied a very light or bleached hair Colour previously, using a hair Colour remover might reveal orange or yellow tones. This is because the remover eliminates the artificial pigments, potentially exposing the underlying warm tones that were not visible before. Using a toner post-removal can help neutralize these tones.

Is it safe to use hair color remover on various hair colours without damaging it?

Yes, most hair Colour removers are formulated to be safe for use on a variety of hair Colours, including permanent hair dyes. They specifically target the artificial colour pigments, aiming to remove them without causing significant damage to the hair shaft. However, it's always recommended to use such products according to the instructions and follow up with a conditioning treatment to ensure your hair remains healthy and hydrated.


Removing hair colour can be challenging and potentially damaging but with the proper knowledge and precautions, achieving your desired results while maintaining healthy locks is possible.

Whether you choose to use a hair colour remover at home or visit a professional hairstylist, following instructions carefully and doing patch tests beforehand is crucial. Additionally, giving your hair enough time to recover between uses is essential for minimizing damage.

If you have any doubts or concerns, it is always best to consult a professional hairstylist for personalized advice and guidance. They can assess the condition of your hair and recommend the best course of action for removing unwanted hair colour.

Salon Haze is an award-winning hair salon in Vancouver, Kitsilano area. We are specialists in colour and style. If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us, and we’ll talk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

Call today for a free consultation with one of our stylists. We have the best hairdressers and the best hair colourists in Vancouver. Call now at 604-620-9986 or email us at

David McAlinden